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Siemens Safety Video Part 1 of 3

The Staglin Center MRI Safety Training Process

Becoming Safety certified requires three steps:
  1. Learn about MRI Safety – chiefly by viewing the safety videos below, supplemented by study of some of the relevant written material, especially the documents indicated with an asterisk below (*)
  2. Take a written MRI safety exam
  3. Take a practical exam on safety within the laboratory

Safety Certification must be renewed annually, generally by taking an additional written exam.

Learn more and watch the safety videos on the site.

  • Dr. Kanal’s MRI Safety Web Page
  • Download Kanal, E., et al. (2013). ACR guidelines –ACR guidance document on MR safe practices: 2013.Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI 37(3): 501-530.  Because there are many potential risks in the MR environment and reports of adverse incidents involving patients, equipment and personnel, the need for a guidance document on MR safe practices emerged. Initially published in 2002, the ACR MR Safe Practices Guidelines established de facto industry standards for safe and responsible practices in clinical and research MR environments. As the MR industry changes the document is reviewed, modified and updated. The most recent version will reflect these changes.
  • National Institute of Mental Health MRI Research Safety and Ethics: Points to Consider  September 14, 2005  (download)

Operator Training

Siemens MRI Scanner Operator Training

Faculty/staff from UNCG, JSNN, and A&T, as well as university post-docs and approved graduate students may have access to the Center’s Siemens 3 Tesla Tim Trio MRI Scanner.

Fall Semester Siemens Scanner Operator Training will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00-5:00 PM in the MRI Center Suite at the Joint School for Nanoscience and Nanoengineering (JSNN) campus.

Preliminary Training Access to the MRI Suite Requires:
  • Watch the Siemens MRI Safety Video  (Windows Media format | MP4 Format) and complete MRI Safety quiz.
  • Complete a supervised tour of the MRI Facility
  • Complete MRI Screening Form
  • Achieve 80% or higher on the MRI Safety quiz.

There are Four Different Levels of MRI Research Operator Status.

Operator Level 1 (OL1) requires that the operator to have successfully completed the MRI Safety Training, has read Gateway’s Safety Procedures and Operating Guidelines, and understands the Gateway MRI safety procedures.  Successfully completing OL1 training allows the OL1 operator to assist an OL4 operator in studies that have obtained IRB approval.

  • Read Gateway’s MRI Safety and Procedures. (download)
  • Read Kanal’s ACR paper (download)
  • Watch Staglin’s MRI Safety Video ( standard screen (4:3) | wide screen (16:9) )
  • Complete basic emergency training.
  • Complete basic table operation training
  • Complete startup and shutdown procedure training.
  • Complete filling out log book training.

Operator Level 2 (OL2) requires that the operator successfully complete OL1 training and Scanner Operation.  An OL2 operator is permitted to scan phantoms and inanimate objects without supervision.  If scanning objects and phantoms for studies the OL2 operator is responsible for making sure everyone assisting on the study has completed the proper MRI safety training before being allowed in the MRI suite and/or scanner room.

  • Complete basic scanner operation and procedures
    • Registering patient
    • Loading protocol
    • Scanning
    • Modify and storing protocol
    • Viewing images
    • Burning images to disk
    • Sending images to PACS
    • Who to call in case of problems.
    • Filling out log book.

Operator Level 3 (OL3) requires that the operator trainee complete OL1 and OL2 training, attend In-House MRI Safety sessions on human screening and read articles on MRI safety regarding safe scanning of humans.

In addition, OL3 requires the trainee demonstrate nine successful practicum sessions as a scanner operator on human individuals.  During the observed practicums, OL3 status allows trainees to run study protocols  and scan individuals who have completed Operator Level 1 safety training. These individuals may be employees, staff, or students of UNCG, JSNN, A&T . Prior to the trainee session, these individuals will have been prescreened by a Level 4 Operator under the supervision of a Center director and are willing to participate in an MRI operator training scan session.  OL3 requires timely and regular attendance and appropriate note taking to ensure adequate training progress. Feedback and steps for improvement will be provided to the trainee and PI throughout the

OL3 requires timely and regular attendance and appropriate note taking to ensure adequate training progress. Feedback and steps for improvement will be provided to the trainee and PI throughout the process, if needed. As always, individuals must be screened immediately before the MRI procedure. Determination of successful completion of the nine OL3 practicums is made in collaboration and agreement among all Center directors before advancing to Level 4. If, after the nine sessions, more practice operator sessions are needed, the directors may offer extra sessions if warranted, if progress is being made, and if the directors determine that extra sessions may provide improvement. Due to semester constraints,  the directors may determine that more sessions will not merit improvement. At that point, the trainee may only continue as a research assistant and their training will be considered complete.

  • Complete screening basics.
  • Provide proof of Basic Life Saving / CPR  course.   Certification must be current.
  • Read the following:
    • Screening Patients and Individuals
    • Bioeffects of Gradient Magnetic Fields
    • Bioeffects of Radiofrequency Fields
    • Bioeffects of Static Magnetic Fields
    • Prevention of Excessive Heating and Burns*
    • Pregnant Patients and MRI Procedures
    • Body Piercing Jewelry and MRI Safety
    • Sawyer-Glover AM, Shellock FG. Pre-MRI procedure screening: recommendations and safety considerations for biomedical implants and devices. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2000;12(1):92-106. PubMed PMID: 10931569. (download)
    • Shellock FG, Spinazzi A. MRI safety update 2008: part 2, screening patients for MRI. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2008;191(4):1140-9. doi: 10.2214/AJR.08.1038.2. PubMed PMID: 18806156. (download)
    • Expert Panel on MRS, Kanal E, Barkovich AJ, Bell C, Borgstede JP, Bradley WG, Froelich JW, Gimbel JR, Gosbee JW, Kuhni-Kaminski E, Larson PA, Lester JW, Nyenhuis J, Schaefer DJ, Sebek EA, Weinreb J, Wilkoff BL, Woods TO, Lucey L, Hernandez D. ACR guidance document on MR safe practices: 2013. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2013;37(3):501-30. doi: 10.1002/jmri.24011. (download)

  • Operator Level 4 (Ol4) requires successful completion of OL3 training,  pass a practicum final session test that covers full operations for human scanning, safe human screening, and emergency procedures. Level 3 operators must receive final approval from all the Center directors to advance and receive Level 4 certified operator status.   Once a person is certified as an OL4 operator, he/she is able to schedule scan time on the BookIT MRI scanner calendar for technical development of MRI protocols. OL4 status provides the individual with full scanning access to human participants for research studies that have been approved by the appropriate IRB.
  • Ongoing safety training is provided via an annual quiz. In addition, operators must be current with scanner policies and operating procedures within the previous 4 months. During MRI research studies the Center-Certified Operator has the on-site responsibility to implement all Gateway’s MRI safety guidelines.
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