Into the Tissue

Posted on January 18, 2024

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MRI powers studies of ACLs, Alzheimer’s and athletes – and unique educational opportunities

UNCG researchers are using a magnetic resonance imaging machine, or MRI, to peer inside joints and take pictures of study volunteers’ brains. Their goal is to better understand how our bodies and brains function – and why things go wrong – to find ways to prevent common problems.

“It never ceases to amaze me that here at UNCG we have access to this amazing tool to help us ask the questions that we really want to ask,” says Randy Schmitz, professor of kinesiology and director of musculoskeletal imaging at the Gateway UNCG MRI Center, where the MRI is housed.

“This has torn down barriers,” he says. “Our researchers no longer have to go to a medical institution here in town or another academic institution 60 miles away.”

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